the ultimate growth

This top-tier package edition is ideal for EDOs seeking for aggressive digital marketing campaigns with fully integrated activities across all stages of the conversion process, where leads become clients.

We are on-hand to deliver marketing campaigns and work with you to achieve your goals. Using our services means you have full access to a marketing strategist, digital ads specialist, graphic designer, content creator and your very own project manager.

Complete audit of current marketing strategies, tactics and platforms used (when applicable)

Weekly detailed data analytics reports and Google Data Studio dashboard (when applicable) for real-time reporting

Weekly status report meeting with the entire team detailing campaign execution and optimization updates, as well as KPL analysis

8 marketing tactics with complete planning and execution

This package allows you to choose 8 of the marketing tactics below:

Social media marketing and content development with copy/design (4 posts per month)

Landing page (1 copy/design and development)

eBook/brochure/one pager/infographic (1 copy/design)

1 Linkedin ad campaign with cop/design and set up (Sponsored Content or Sponsored Messaging)

Blog articles with copy/design (2 per month)

1 email nurturing string (6 emails) copy/design and workflow setup

Newsletters with copy/design (2 per month)

1 LinkedIn retargeting ad campaign (Sponsored Content or Sponsored Messaging)